Washer and Dryer!

For those of you that aren’t aware, we live with my parents.  My brother, his wife and their two boys live here as well in addition to our little family and my parents.  It’s a good sized house, so we aren’t quite as crowded as I’m sure some of your are picturing.  My sister in law has also turned out to be one of my best friends so it’s pretty nice most days.  Yes we have our moments, but doesn’t everyone.

The biggest headache in the house has been laundry.  We each have 2 laundry days a week.  This means my parents poor washer and dryer goes almost constantly.  It was pretty old to begin with, and the dryer was starting to take 2-3 cycles before things were dry.  Power bills have been climbing and it’s been taking us all quite a while to do even the simplest loads.  To solve the problem my brother and his wife went out and purchased a brand new front loading washer and dryer!  I know we are crazy but Steph and I sat on the floor last night and watched the first load for about 20 minutes.  I have finished up all our laundry in one evening and I’m even washing fun stuff like pillow’s and the comforter!  WAHOO!

Other than the new additions to the laundry room life has been about the same.  Poor JD still has 2 teeth coming in of the 4 top teeth that started to break through last week.  His ear infection is starting to clear up and he’s about back to his peaceful, wonderful self.

School is still just amazing.  One month down, 11 to go!  The hardest thing right now is the anatomy class, and with lots of studying I’ve aced every test.  Mom is starting to enjoy the benefits of being homework and I value all the honest feedback I get from family when I work on them.  It’ll be a lot easier when I actually get my massage table.

I value every minute I get to see Jeremy.  He is such a hard worker and provider for our family.  With the crazy hours at the radio station he is often up in Salt Lake all day.  With me going to school at night he is asleep when I get home.  Once or twice a week he even ends up staying with his family up there so that he doesnt have to drive all the way home and then get up early to trek back up there.  I rarely, if ever, hear him complain or grumble about the drive or long hours.  JD loves it when he is around and I can’t get over how much he loves playing with his daddy.

I’m including some pictures.  The first one is JD with my cousin Nic, she is probably his favorite person ever.  Picture number two is JD and my Grandma Gordon on the same day.  We were at the pool for a family reunion.  The last one is of JD and Grant (aka the Ukrainian baby) .  Masha is a good friend of ours and Grant is her little one, Steph watches him sometimes.  He’s about 2 months older than JD and they love eachother.

6 thoughts on “Washer and Dryer!

  1. He is such a cutie! And congrats on the new washer and dryer!!!! Wahoo for all of you! That is wonderful! Are you crazy busy for the next little while? I am thinking I need an escape. Let me know. (=

  2. So are there two machines now? Kinda like a laundromat?!

    Here, everyone has one day that is theirs to do their laundry and oh, btw, it’s your night to cook dinner too!

  3. The 1st photo of your you and your son is very funny…he’s like “whoah, who’s taking my picture” 😀

    I think this post I made recently may interest you (feel free to comment if it does, thanks):


    And check back in the future, I’ll be updating this category often as well:


    Thanks for sharing a little bit of life as you…I look forward to checking back in the future and reading more about you guys daily struggles… 😆

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